The 2N6292 is an NPN bipolar junction transistor (BJT) designed for general-purpose amplification and switching applications. It is an electronic component manufactured by NTE Electronics. Below is a detailed introduction to the 2N6292 transistor:
2N6292 NPN BJT Transistor by NTE Electronics
- Manufacturer: NTE Electronics
- Part Number: 2N6292
- Type: NPN Bipolar Junction Transistor (BJT)
- Package: TO-220AB (Through-Hole Type Package with 2 leads)
Key Specifications:
- Polarity: NPN (Negative-Positive-Negative configuration)
- Voltage Rating (V<sub>ce</sub>): 70V (Maximum Collector-Emitter Voltage)
- Current Rating (I<sub>c</sub>): 7A (Continuous Collector Current)
- Package Type: TO-220AB, a widely used through-hole package for heat dissipation
Features and Applications:
- Bipolar Junction Transistor: NPN type for amplification and switching functions.
- Voltage and Current Ratings: Suitable for applications requiring a 70V V<sub>ce</sub> and 7A I<sub>c</sub>.
- Package Type: TO-220AB package for effective heat dissipation in various electronic circuits.
- High Power Handling: Capable of handling moderate to high power levels.
- Amplification: Suitable for amplification of signals in audio, RF, and other circuits.
- Switching: Can be used in switching applications where moderate power handling is required.
Package Information:
- TO-220AB Package: Through-hole package suitable for high-power applications and efficient heat dissipation.
- Mounting: TO-220AB package allows for easy mounting on PCBs and heat sink attachment.
- Power Amplification: Used in power amplification stages of audio amplifiers.
- Switching Circuits: Suitable for various low to moderate-power switching applications.
- Motor Control: Can be used for controlling motors and other inductive loads.
- Voltage Regulation: Employed in voltage regulation circuits where medium power handling is required.
- High Power Handling Capability: Capable of handling moderate to high power levels.
- Robust Design: Offers reliability in various amplification and switching applications.
- Efficient Heat Dissipation: TO-220AB package aids in effective heat dissipation.
- Versatile Usage: Applicable in a wide range of electronic circuits.
- Ease of Mounting: Through-hole package for straightforward mounting on PCBs.
The 2N6292 NPN BJT transistor by NTE Electronics is a robust component suitable for applications requiring a 70V maximum collector-emitter voltage and a continuous collector current rating of 7A. With its TO-220AB package and capabilities in power amplification, switching, motor control, and voltage regulation applications, the 2N6292 provides a reliable solution for various electronic circuit designs that necessitate medium power handling capabilities alongside efficient heat dissipation.